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Rachel DiSalvo, a New Jersey-based agent with Keller Williams Park Views Realty, said open houses pose a fundamental problem: You are inviting strangers into your home and some strangers are entrepreneurial thieves. “People are also angry, pent-up and irritable. That’s increased our risk-taking behavior,” he said. “Being confined to our homes during Covid weakened our ability to self-regulate and have self-control. Read Hayes, a research scientist and criminologist at the University of Florida, predicts that thefts will increase as open houses return to their prepandemic rhythm. They go easily from the table to the pocket.”

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People tend to pick up little things: frames, silver pieces, Limoges boxes. “I tell clients the hand is quicker than the eye. “Kleptomania is a real condition,” said Harriet Norris, a New York-based agent with Douglas Elliman. They’re also great opportunities for thieves.

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Aside from the serious prospective buyer or renter, open houses are hotbeds for those looking for a free lunch, a no-cost activity on a random Sunday, a few decorating ideas or even a future mate. With warmer weather and the optimism of spring upon us, don’t be surprised if open houses start making a return. The lifting of objects - jewelry, tchotchkes and prescription drugs are among the top vanishing items - continues to occur, brokers say. The infamous dress story is now decades old. Thirty minutes after the last onlooker left, my mother went to retrieve her dress only to find the closet empty. All that remained was her furniture and my mother’s beautiful satin A-line wedding dress, which was left hanging in the coat closet.Īs with any open house, a menagerie of strangers came and went over the course of several days.

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Doyle, the New York-based appraising company, assessed her furnishings, and her personal and sentimental belongings were removed. When my grandmother passed away in 1981, my mother, the executor of her estate, oversaw the selling of her one-bedroom apartment on 72nd Street and Third Avenue.

Craigslist florida keys homes for sale